Yesterday, the Neutfere Parliament voted the diplomatic and economic embargo against Cagog'oos in 3-1 proportion. Lazen Valenat put it into the minister meeting because King Obis has threatened publicly the North-American communist microstates. Now, Neutnacia waits, will King Obis react?

- In 12th of June, one country's king, who gave his life for stopping microcommunism and intermicronacionale, publicly insulted the our North-American communist friends! - told Valenat Lazen Supreme Leader this morning, - I'm warning King Obis, that he musn't kid with the communist micronations! We aren't Great Britain or France from the Second...

Today afternoon, comrade Prime Minister Endhe Invilatopotat said Ctokozera joins to our beloved Neutnacia, as the fourth settlement!

Today morning the first democratic elections have started in Neutnacia! The candidates: Endhe Envilakopotat (Communist Party of Neutnacia). The offices are guessing about 3 voters.

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